Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cincinnati Medical Pictures

Here are some pictures from the procedures while we were at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. For the most part, Bryce did pretty well in the hospital. Of course, when they would restrain him or do things that hurt, he cried. But Bryce's personality shined through even at the hospital. My favorite was when they would transport Bryce somewhere. He would always sit on my lap and no matter how tired he was or how many things were hooked up to him, he would always wave and smile at the people in the hallway. He also blew kisses to all the women (and a few men). The women just loved it. Many said it made their day and thought Bryce was just the cutest! He's such a flirt and knows how to get attention:)

Here is the picture of Bryce and I in the hospital room. For the two days that we were in the hospital, I was ATTACHED to Bryce on the hospital bed.

Here is a close up of Bryce. You can see the feeding tube down his nose with tape ALL around it because Bryce tried very hard to pull it out. On his left arm is the IV with a board to keep his arm straight and more tape to keep it in place. Since he was so determined to pull at the IV and tube, we even had to put a restraint on his right arm to keep him from pulling at everything!

This is a picture of the patches they put on Bryce's back that he kept on for 48 hours. Each of the 30 circles contain a small amount of food. The edges of the tape are starting to fold up and the purple numbers are to read the rows once the tape is gone.

A very tired Andy.

1 comment:

Jen E. said...

Bryce is such a sweet boy! Glad you put some photos up, though the stories you have posted are so very great it is hard for us all to understand exactly and the pictures really help to solidify them.