Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bryce Walking!!!

Officially, first steps were on Monday! Our nanny/friend, Mandi, and I were in the living room and Bryce wanted the phone on the end table. He let go of my hand and took about 3 steps all at one time to the table. Mandi and I just looked at each other in disbelief and excitement! We couldn't believe we just saw his first steps.

That's all he did on Monday but since then, he's been taking about 5-8 steps at a time. He is still gaining confidence but if he really wants something, he'll walk to it. Last night, Andy also got to see Bryce take some of his first steps.

So Bryce walked at 15 months and 2 days! I've already told his pediatrician so hopefully we won't have to go to physical therapy as long as Bryce keeps improving.

Here is video of Bryce walking this afternoon. You can hear the kids in the neighborhood encouraging him to walk. They were about as excited as I was!

1 comment:

Jen E. said...

Yeahhhhh!!!! Way to go Bryce!! :)