Thursday, May 1, 2008

One Wonderful Moment

Do you ever have those moments where the world just seems perfect? Those moments where life is just full of possibilities and you experience a moment, just a moment, of pure joy?

I had one of those tonight. Bryce, Brody and I went for a walk about 7 PM because Brody needed exercise and Bryce was CRANKY. So, off we went with the stroller and leash. Within just a few minutes, I heard music coming from the Officer's Club. Since we live only a block from the club, I decided to go check it out. I knew a dog and baby may not be appropriate for the Officer's Club but I thought we could always just walk by. Sure enough there was a band playing on the porch with some people casually watching and kids playing. I tied Brody to a tree and decided to take Bryce on the porch to watch the band.

It was just one of those perfect moments. Bryce sat on my lap, transfixed by the band. Two of the men were playing guitar and one a harmonica. They played all cover songs but neither of us cared. Two couples danced to the music. A gorgeous summer evening with beautiful oak trees surrounding us, my son on my lap, content listening to live music. Just a moment where everything seemed perfect. . .

1 comment:

Jen E. said...

What a great moment for sure!! Isn't it so cool how one simple moment like that can bring pure joy?? It really is the little things like that that make life so wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us all Lisa :)